Sunday, September 7, 2008

Musings as Hallowe'en Approaches - Part the Second

"Evelyn: The Cutest Evil Dead Girl". My spectral girl didn't look like this, but the video is worth a peek on YouTube.

In 1984 I moved into a large house on Lincoln Street in Lunenburg. The layout of the stairway to the second floor prevented me from taking my bedframe up to the master bedroom, so I had to sleep on the mattress on the floor as a stopgap measure.

On the first night I slept in the house, fagged out with the toils inherent in moving, I crawled under the sheets, my faithful beagle/spaniel mutt Jasper curled up at the foot of my makeshift bed.

Jasper had a very low growl. Almost inaudible, and he was sparing in its use. Nevertheless it was the sound of his growl that woke me. Opening my eyes and raising my head to look down at him, I could see his silhouette against the wall. He was looking straight at the bedroom door which was to my left, and a ball of fur was raised on his shoulders. When I looked at the doorway I saw why he was growling.

What I saw in the dimness was a little girl, I would guess about five or six years old, standing in the doorway smiling at me. She had long hair and was wearing a plaid jumper with an old timey cut. When our eyes met and I registered what I was seeing I yelled, "Hey!" and quickly began to get off the mattress. At this point I really felt I was looking at a child.

I heard her giggle and saw her run off. In the five or so seconds it took me to get to my feet, pull on my robe (she was a kid after all) and reach my bedroom door, the little girl had gone to stand grinning mischievously at me from the doorway of another bedroom across the landing.

"Wait!" I called as I moved toward her. She stepped inside the room and I saw the door begin to close, but it wasn't quite shut when I reached it.

Tired and getting irritated at incompetent parents who let their kids run riot through strange houses in the middle of the night I grabbed the door and pushed it ahead of me as I started to enter the room. Suddenly I felt the door stop as though it had hit a solid obstruction, and then it flew back at me. The edge of the door hit me in the forehead and the impact threw me backwards onto the landing.

Now really pissed off, I went back and kicked the door fully open. There was no resistance this time, and my strike threw the door open hard enough for the door knob to break through the lathe and plaster wall as it impacted against it. Stepping into the room I saw ... no one. The room was empty except for a couple of boxes I had placed there earlier in the day.

The next day I had a beautiful bruise on my forehead, and I checked with everyone I knew who had ever lived in that house to see if any of them had ever seen or heard of the mysterious little girl. Nobody had.

I never saw the little girl again, but to the end of his days, Jasper wouldn't enter that room, giving it a wide berth, and a suspicious look whenever he passed it.

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